i’m crazy…

23 11 2006

for my new macbook that is! although i admit there are thingsthat are way easier than on a PC (hello, installing programs), i love this thing mostly for useless do-dads and overall appears. i am one vain mother-eff!

and popeye candy cigarettes,

which are now just “cansticks” apparently. pbff. so what, the bigwigs at Popeye Inc. take the red dye off the ends and change the box, you think kids aren’t going to pretend their smoking whenever they’ve got one of these bad boys in their mouths?! i guess instead of cigarettes, the kids pretends their popeye candy spliffs, instead…



2 responses

27 11 2006

I think the real issue regarding Popeye Candy Cigarettes is how you used to smoke them; did you pretend the dyed end was the filter, or were you smart enough to realize that dyed end was ash, and you were pretend-smoking one badass unfiltered rollie.

Um… I mean, good bears try hugs, not drugs (^_^)

27 11 2006


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